%0 Journal Article %T Meridional Oceanic and Atmospheric Heat Fluxes at the Entrance to the Atlantic Sector of the Arctic: Verification of CMIP6 Models and Climate Projections Based on the Selected Sub-Ensembles %A Латонин, М.М. %A Башмачников, И.Л. %A Радченко, Ю.В. %A Гнатюк, Н.В. %A Бобылев, Л.П. %A Петтерссон, Л.Х. %K poleward heat transport, climate of the Arctic, ocean–atmosphere interaction, CMIP6 models, ORAS4 and ERA5 reanalyses, projections, North Atlantic %J Russian Journal of Earth Sciences %D 2024 %N 24 %P 15 %I Геофизический центр Российской Академии Наук