Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper scrutinizes the role of internal geodynamics of Earth, technogenesis and global climate changes in the context of aggravating hazardous natural processes on the Earth. Intensification of geohazards due to a number of techno-natural factors requires the elaboration of a new strategy of modern civilization development based on keeping the balance between the human economic activity and the environment protection. The strategy of living with natural disasters based on the assessment of natural risks of socio-economic losses is discussed. The procedure of natural risk assessment is exemplified by the map of complex individual natural risk for population of the Russian Federation with the account of earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, snow avalanches, landslides, and mudflows. The necessity of developing the scientifically grounded policy of human technogenic activity based on the principle of technogenesis-environment coevolution is reported.

Technogenesis, global climate change, internal geodynamics of the Earth, hazardous technonatural processes, risk assessment
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