Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Analysis of the generation of internal tides over submarine ridges in the Atlantic Ocean based on numerical modeling and measurements on moorings is considered. It was found that energy fluxes of internal tides from submarine ridges are many times greater than those from the continental slopes because generally the barotropic tidal flow is parallel to the coastline. If submarine ridges are normal to the tidal flow, they form an obstacle to the tidal currents and induce generation of large internal waves. Energy fluxes were estimated from many submarine ridges. These estimates were compared with the measurements on moorings. Numerical estimates and measurements on moorings resulted in a map of internal tide amplitudes in the Atlantic Ocean. Large amplitudes of internal tides were found over the slopes of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the South Atlantic, Walvis Ridge, Great Meteor Bank, in Biscay Bay, and in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Internal tide, submarine ridges, energy flux, deep basins

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