Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the application possibility of the new IGES-006 seismic sensor for monitoring tasks. The sensor is developed at the Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. The IGES-006 sensor can be used both as part of various seismic monitoring systems and for solving special engineering problems. The sensor prototype has successfully passed laboratory and field tests, including the seismic monitoring mode. To assess the possibility of using the IGES-006 sensor as an import-substituting scientific device, it was compared with the Russian SPV-3K sensor, which is quite similar in parameters. A comparative analysis of seismic signals recorded using IGES-006 and SPV-3K sensors in the time and frequency domains have been carried out. The comparison results indicate the prospects for mass production of IGES-006.

earthquake, seismic signal, portable seismic sensor, seismic sensor, spectral analysis

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