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Abstract (English):
A detailed rock-magnetic study of the Tarkhanian sediments of the Kop-Takyl section, located on the Black Sea coast of the Kerch Peninsula, was carried out in order to verify the reliability of the obtained magnetostratigraphic data of the studied strata. It was previously shown that reverse magnetized rocks are distinguished in the upper part of the Kuvinian beds located at the base of the Tarkhanian regional stage of the Kop-Takyl section. The overlying rocks of the Terskian and Argunian Beds are characterized by normal polarity. This is inconsistent with the available magnetostratigraphic data on the same age Miocene sections. To clarify the reason for this discrepancy, a detailed magneto-mineralogical study of the composition of the ferromagnetic fraction was carried out by conducting thermomagnetic analysis according to the dependence of the saturation magnetic moment on temperature, calculating and constructing a Biplot diagram, and wavelet analysis of the coercive spectra of the saturation isothermal remanent magnetization. It was determined that the main ferromagnetic mineral in the rocks of the upper part of the section, which includes the Argunian Beds, is magnetite. In the lower part of the section, which includes the Kuvinian, Terskian and lower parts of the Argunian Beds, in addition to magnetite, greigite occurs. In the lower part of the Argunian Beds of the section, there is an increase in rock-magnetic parameters, in particular, magnetic susceptibility, due to an increase in the contribution of organic and bacteria activity. The rock-magnetic division of the deposits of the Kop-Takyl section is associated with a change in the deposition conditions that existed in the paleobasin.

arkhanian, Eastern Paratethys, magnetostratigraphy, rock magnetic parameters
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