Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Over the Arctic Ocean, the concentration of nutrients is limiting the development of phy- toplankton, and hence the whole ecosystem. The main source of nutrients in the Arctic is river runoff and remineralization. However, there are local features of the functioning of coastal ecosystems, they are associated with the supply of nutrients from the glacier streams. Experiments with samples of rocks (represented by dolomitic shales and limestone) have been conducted to test the hypothesis that the main source of nutrients for coastal ecosystems are the rocks forming the bedrock of glacier streams. Exposure of rock samples in distilled water was held from 5 to 14 days and the content of nutrients has increased. As a result of labora- tory experiments, the leaching rates were obtained. The rates are 0.021-0.15 mmol/m2 day and 0.1-2.5 mmol/m2 day for total nitrogen and total inorganic carbon, respectively. The concentration of nutrients (0.3-33 µM of nitrogen, 214-1928 µM of total inorganic carbon) in glacial streams confirms this assumption. Field and experimental data show that the glacial runoff from the Arctic archipelagos contains a significant amount of nutrients that can directly affect the activity of coastal ecosystems, making an important contribution to the primary production of the coastal areas in the Arctic.

Arctic, biogeochemistry, glacial streams, nutrient, weathering
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