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Abstract (English):
Today, the Arctic region is a fertile place for international scientific cooperation in the field of earth sciences. A positive example of such cooperation is a bilateral Russian-Finnish study in the field of geodesy carried out over two decades. The main object of the joint Russian-Finnish research is the post-glacial uplift of Fennoscandia. As a result of joint research, estimates of the velocities of the vertical movements of the earth's crust in the Northeast part of the region have been obtained. Regional map of the recent vertical crustal movement is compiled. The results obtained are compared with the existing geophysical models and estimates of other authors. High-precision absolute measurements of the acceleration of gravity contribute to the independent control of the estimates of the speeds of the post-glacial uplift. Much attention is paid to the metrological control of measuring equipment. Bilateral and 1multilateral comparisons of absolute gravimeters are periodically performed. The paper briefly reviews the work carried out and the results obtained. International cooperation is expected to continue.

Fennoscandia, postglacial rebound, vertical crustal movements, repeated leveling, absolute gravity, international cooperation
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