Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Long-term experimental researches in various spheres prove an influence of space weather, geomagnetic field, its variations and anomalies on systems and objects of various origins. The estimation of the influence requires an effective approach to analyze the principles of distribution of geomagnetic field parameters on the Earth's surface, its subsoil and in circumterrestrial space. It is a complicated problem to be solved and it is mostly concerned with monitoring, analytical control and visualization of parameters of space weather, geomagnetic field and its variations. The most effective and obvious solution to this problem is supposed to be an analytical information system, which is based on integrating of geomagnetic and space weather data into a single information space. In this paper the authors suggest the solution, which is based on modern geoinformation and web technologies and provides the mechanisms to calculate, analyze and visualize parameters of geomagnetic field and its variations. The most attention here is paid to research and development of integrated information space for monitoring and analytical control of parameters of space weather, geomagnetic field and its variations. The integrated information space is based on the set of conception, models, and methods and represented as analytical information system GEOMAGNET (\href{}{}). The system provides an effective integration of geomagnetic and space weather data into single information space for specialists in various spheres a tool for operative monitoring, analytical control, modeling and visualization.

Geoinformation systems, geomagnetic variations, analytical information systems, geomagnetic field, space weather, magnetic storms, data assimilation, integration and fusion
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