Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We have examined snapshots of overlaid ultra-violet (UV) auroral images from POLAR and IMAGE spacecraft and ULF wave power in the Pi2 frequency band (5--30~mHz). The latitudinal distribution of the Pi2 spectral power, as well as the position of the ionospheric electrojet, are inferred from the MACCS-CARISMA-MEASURE array of magnetic stations. A substorm develops as a series of ``detonations'', accompanied by an enhancement of auroral luminosity, intensification of the ionospheric currents, and a burst of Pi2 wave power. The epicenter of each detonation leaps during each activation poleward and westward. The latitudinal location of the auroral ionospheric westward electrojet and Pi2 power is found to be mainly associated with the poleward border of the auroral activation region. The result of case studies is supported by statistical superposed latitudinal distributions of the auroral intensity and Pi2 power. The found correspondence between the UV auroral oval and Pi2 power ``epicenter'' may help to identify a possible channel of Pi2 wave energy transmission from the magnetotail to the ground.

ULF waves, Pi2 pulsations, substorm, auroral oval, ionospheric electrojet
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