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Abstract (English):
The Kamchatka Branch KB of Geophysical Survey, the Russian Academy of Sciences carries out integrated geophysical observations in Kamchatka for forecasting large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. At present the KB GS RAS operates a network consisting of radio-telemetering and strong motion seismic stations, a network of KAMNET GPS-stations and observation sites to monitor high-frequency seismic noises and parameters of electromagnetic fields, and a network of boreholes to record water level and parameters of ground water composition. The majority of the sites are located within the Petropavlovsk geodynamic test site, comprising both the towns of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Elizovo where the greater part of the population of Kamchatka is concentrated see Figure~1 in the article. Based on the long-term seismic forecast it is likely that a M gt; 7.75 large earthquake occur and cause significant consequences to the infrastructure and the population of Kamchatka. Essential elements of the information system for integrated geophysical observations are the software for collection and analysis of geophysical data, retrieval maps and other information on the statues of the observational network. The POLYGON information system IS POLYGON is designed for collecting and processing geophysical, hydrological and other time series data in real time manner and addition of database on central server at KB GS RAS. A new GIS-project entitled The Petropavlovsk Geodynamic Test Site is primarily aimed at provision of data specifying locations of the observation network and data from selected stations, their geologic, geotectonic and seismic conditions. The GIS-project is created on the basis of ArcGIS. This paper shows the advantages of using POLYGON and GIS technology for studying seismologic, geophysical and other methods of integrated geophysical monitoring of seismically active areas. POLYGON is built upon a client/server architecture on the MySQL database management system basis Figures 2 and 3 in the article. The information system includes a database and a range of user's programs for input, converting, storage, retrieval, visualization and analyzing time series of geophysical data. The GIS project is aimed at: acquisition, management and visualization of data identifying arrangements of observatory sites in the Petropavlovsk test site, their specifications, geologic, tectonic and seismic environment; converting topographic, geologic, tectonic, hydrologic and other maps to the unified coordinate system; effective access to observation sites and geographic objects data. At present the GIS project encompasses a set of themes including topography, hydrography and data identifying locations of sites based on various types of observations, regional catalogue of Kamchatka and the Commander Islands's earthquakes created at KB GS RAS; geologic, tectonic and geomorphologic maps, schemes of magnetic and gravity fields anomalies, configuration of earthquake epicenters of various energy classes and boundaries of KB's survey area Figures 4 ndash; 7 in the article. The project includes a geodatabase containing coordinates and names of objects and additional information in tables and data files of different formats. A linkage between the GIS project and the regional earthquakes catalogue is performed on the local network. Updating of the earthquakes catalogue automatically modifies a theme of Kamchatka earthquakes. Composed electronic maps with locations of the observation sites are available on-line. Maps overlay enables the analysis of the observation stations regarding their tectonic, geologic and other conditions. The data are stored in the database tables and in separate referenced files. The tables are elements of the database containing a range of lines and columns. Separate lines show information about geographical objects, i.e. populated areas and observation sites. Columns describe parameters of the objects. Data retrieval is performed by means of the SQL Access. For example, the map of epicenters of earthquakes can show given values of the energy classes at various time intervals. Creation of SQL expressions for data retrieval allows selecting objects or tables entries in any data format supported by ArcGIS. The layers used in the project are attributed to the tables that contain information about geographic objects, i.e. coordinates, names and others. The investigator can access various attributes in the tables by selecting the objects and focusing them on the electronic map. Any changes in attributes of the database activate further updating of the geographic objects. The Visual Basic for Application program uses hyperlinks and scripts as a tool for browsing curves of current observation data in created POLYGON from separate stations. Integrated geophysical monitoring implemented for searching precursors and forecasting large earthquakes and volcano eruptions in seismically active areas is primarily focused on acquisition of seismologic data from the networks of seismic stations. Information systems extensively used in fundamentals and applied studies and designed particular for these types of data include a seismologic database and software for timely processing of seismic records and retrieval data from the regional earthquakes catalogues. IS POLYGON and the Petropavlovsk Geodynamic Test Site GIS-project presented in this paper are effective elements of information system developed for integrated geophysical observations in Kamchatka that reflect the statue of non-traditional borehole hydrogeodynamic, electrotelluric and other kinds of observations. Presentation of GIS data is easy to identify objects, access additional data and perform analytical procedures. Informative capacity of maps in the GIS project can be raised by using various plotting techniques. Hence, IS POLYGON and the Petropavlovsk Geodynamic Test Site GIS project can be effectively applied for making the assessed statues of the observation network and various types of time series data while conducting integrated geophysical monitoring of the Petropavlovsk geodynamic test site.

geophysical monitoring, seismic station, information system, GIS-project
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