Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Seismic anisotropy presents a unique possibility to study tectonic processes at depths inaccessible for direct observations. In our previous study to determine the mantle anisotropic parameters we performed a joint inversion of SKS and receiver functions waveforms, based on approximate methods because of time consuming synthetic seismograms calculation. Using parallel calculation and GRID technology allows us to get the exact solution of the problem: we can perform direct calculation of cost function on uniform grid within model parameter space. Calculations were performed for both synthetic models and real data. It is shown that the application of the joint inversion of SKS and receiver function from the one hand improves resolution for the determination of base anisotropic parameters, from the other hand requires careful analysis of the consistence of different groups of data. Ignoring the possible disagreement of different groups of data can lead to significant errors in the estimation of anisotropies parameters.

seismic anisisotropy, SKS spliting, receiver function, waveform inversion, distributed calculation, grid
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