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Abstract (English):
The analysis of time series of vertical components of atmospheric electric field Ez and the basic meteoparameters registered on a middle-latitude geophysical observatory "Borok" was made with the help of a method of the principal components. Significant correlation of variations Ez with changes of humidity, temperature, and speed of a wind were detected. Aeroelectric field in surface atmosphere layer has the expressed daily and seasonal variations reflecting climatic features of a middle-latitude region. It was shown that Ez contribution to the general dispersion of dynamics of surface atmosphere layer is significant and for separate time intervals is comparable with the contribution to the general variability of meteoparameters humidity, temperature and speed of a wind, registered in a surface layer of atmosphere. The completed estimations allow to consider that atmospheric electric field is an essential climatic component of a middle-latitude region.

atmospheric eelctricity, time series, factor analysis, dispersion, main components, duirnal variation
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