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Abstract (English):
The chemical and mineralogical composition, structure and petrophysical properties of volcanic rocks, composing three Quaternary volcanoes of Spitsbergen island - Sverrefjellet, Halvdanpiggen and Sigurdfjellet - have been studied and compared. The sharp tendency of basalts elastic properties' change in a row of volcanism "rejuvenation'' - Sigurdfjellet - Halvdanpiggen - Sverrefjellet has been obtained. The same links between petrophysical characteristics have been defined for all studied volcanoes. This paper reveals the benefits of petrophysical properties - density r, porosity P, velocity of longitudinal waves Vp, strength Rc - for the definition of lava flows within basaltic outcrops. The petrophysical peculiarities of Spitsbergen basalts have been shown in comparison with basalts from various tectonic unites of the Earth - rifts, island arcs and foldbelts.

Spitsbergen, basalts, petrophysical properties.
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