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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the creation of an information and analytical platform for assessing external causes of technogenic (man-made) accidents and for improving methods of their predication and prevention on the territories of long-term geological, mining, and engineering activities on the Southeastern (SE) Transbaikal region example – one of the key areas for mining and extraction of the strategic raw minerals in Russia. 3D modeling of active geological structures and hazardous seismogeodynamic processes on GIS-based technologies is a key instrument for forecasting dangerous natural and technogenic events and risk reduction of their occurrence. A matter of minimizing consequences of natural and technogenic disasters for such facilities of increased technological and environmental hazards as minefields, radiochemical facilities, sites for spent nuclear material disposal, dams, gas and oil pipelines, etc. has become essential. It is necessary to assess modern geodynamic territory’s activity on a unified geoinformation platform applying the newest integrated geological-geophysical researches’ methods for these objects, to select seismically active fault-fracture zones, to determine the rate and direction of surface displacement, to establish patterns of subsoil stressed-strained state natural component influence on behavior of local technogenic processes. Taking into account the specificities of geotectonic structure of mining territories, the structure of monitoring seismogeodynamic processes network on multifunctional geodynamic test sites should be developed. Observations made on test sites form the information basis for forecasting of lithosphere condition, taking decisions on rational subsurface management and providing ecological safety of the territory.

active geological structures, hazardous seismic and tectonic processes, stressed-strained state of rocks, database, geoinformation system, three-dimensional modeling, deposits of strategic mineral resources, monitoring of natural and technogenic phenomena, southeastern Transbaikal
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