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Abstract (English):
The main purpose of the research is to identify the presence of hazardous natural processes in the Belaya River basin. For this, field monitoring of hazardous processes was carried out according to the methodology developed and tested in the study of the Central Caucasus using technical means (GPS - survey of the study area and measurement of the characteristics of economic objects using a range finder). Based on the monitoring data, a digital cartographic visualization of the results was carried out, and an inventory of the flood and mudflow hazard of the river basin was compiled White. The monitoring results showed that the river basin. Belaya has an average degree of susceptibility to hazardous exogenous natural processes of various types - an average degree for mudflow processes, while the flood hazard can be an order of magnitude higher due to some natural and anthropogenic factors. Therefore, the annual geoecological monitoring of hazardous natural processes is necessary to assess the actual natural hazard of the region under study.

monitoring, hazardous natural processes, river basin, national economic objects, digital cartographic basis, cadastre
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