Multicomponent composition of sapropels as a basis for perfection of technique and technology of their dehydration
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Abstract (English):
Sapropel is natural organic material, which is used in many industries, such as agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutical, manufacture of energy carriers and building materials. However, the widespread use of sapropel is associated with its high hydrophilicity and moisture capacity, leading to technological difficulties with sapropel dehydration to required humidity, depending on its further application. The article discusses various aspects sapropel beneficial application, primarily the advantages of the use of sapropel as a fertilizer for cultivated areas, and for the reclamation of industri-al wastelands and mined lands. As a part of this study, experimental research of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of sapropel of Savelievskoye field of the Yaroslavl region was conducted. Based on the results of this research, the nature of the high hydrophilicity of sapropel of Savelievskoye field and the possibilities of reducing its humidity for the production of fertilizers is revealed.

sapropel, dehydration, material composition, hydrophilicity, granulometric, silicate composition, microbiological methods, laser diffractometry method, microorganisms
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