Ecological Tourism in the Mountainous Regions of Russia: Essence and Development Prospects
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Abstract (English):
This article analyzes modern concepts and approaches of the works of Russian and foreign researchers to the development of ecological tourism as nature-oriented. The concept of mountain ecotourism should include the specific conditions of mountain ecosystems (ecological vulnerability to anthropogenic impact, the dynamics of landscape-forming processes, etc.). In the mountainous regions of Russia, favorable prerequisites exist for the development of various areas of ecotourism (apitourism, agrotourism, geological tourism, scientific tourism, etc.), both within and outside specially protected natural areas. A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis on the example of the mountainous regions of the North-Eastern Caucasus showed that there are many strengths and opportunities for the development of ecotourism within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas (unique natural complexes and objects, attractive natural landscapes, high biological diversity, the presence of endemics and relics in the structure of biodiversity, favorable climate, transport accessibility, significant labor resources, etc.). Weaknesses that hinder the development of ecotourism and possible threats (poor development of tourist infrastructure, organized tourist routes, equipped ecological trails, shortage of qualified personnel in the field of ecotourism, etc.) are also identified.

ecotourism, mountain regions, balanced development, prospects, biodiversity, innovations, threats, potential
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