Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
Arhangel'sk, Russian Federation
VAC 1.6 Науки о Земле и окружающей среде
UDK 550.34 Сейсмология
UDK 55 Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки
UDK 550.383 Главное магнитное поле Земли
GRNTI 37.31 Физика Земли
GRNTI 37.01 Общие вопросы геофизики
GRNTI 37.15 Геомагнетизм и высокие слои атмосферы
GRNTI 37.25 Океанология
GRNTI 38.01 Общие вопросы геологии
OKSO 05.06.01 Науки о Земле
BBK 26 Науки о Земле
TBK 63 Науки о Земле. Экология
BISAC SCI082000 Earth Sciences / Seismology & Volcanism
A significant increase in the number of seismic stations occurred in the Eurasian Arctic during the late 20th to early 21st century, which led to a decrease in the minimum magnitude of earthquake registration for some Arctic regions. One of the areas that have been until recently poorly studied in terms of low-magnitude seismicity includes the continent-ocean transition zone in the northern Eurasian shelf. An analysis of the monitoring performed using the seismic stations in operation in the Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya archipelagos complemented with data from the seismic stations on the Svalbard archipelago for the period from December 2011 to November 2020 made it possible to study the space-time patterns in the low magnitude seismicity at the continent-ocean transition zone. The most active features are the Franz Victoria and St. Anna grabens, and the Bely and Victoria High.
continent-ocean transition zone, continental slope, Eurasian Arctic, seismicity
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