Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
UDK 55 Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки
UDK 553 Экономическая геология. Месторождения полезных ископаемых
GRNTI 38.49 Геология рудных полезных ископаемых
OKSO 05.00.00 Науки о Земле
BBK 26 Науки о Земле
TBK 63 Науки о Земле. Экология
Placer deposits had (and for a number of components still have) an important role in providing strategic types of mineral resource base for both Russia and the world as a whole. Placers have a number of advantages that make them in demand by the mining industry: relatively shallow (often accessible for open-pit mining) occurrence, disintegrated state of productive deposits, simplicity of enrichment processes (mainly gravitational systems), as well as the possibility of rapid involvement in exploitation, which significantly reduces payback period for investments. All this is even more relevant for modern Russia, when, in the shortest possible time, in conditions of a shortage of credit resources, it is necessary to implement a program of import substitution and provide the country with scarce types of strategic mineral raw materials, such as gold, platinum group metals, tin, rare metals, titanium, chromium, diamonds.
strategic metals, placer deposits, gold, tin, titanium, rare metals, diamonds
1. Bortnikov N. S., Volkov A. V., Galyamov A. L., et al. Fundamental problems of development of the mineral resource base of high-tech industry and energy in Russia // Geology of ore deposits. - 2022. - Vol. 64, no. 6. - P. 617-633. - DOI:; ; EDN:
2. Bykhovsky L. Z., Sporykhina L. V. Placer deposits in the resource base and mineral mining // Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management. - 2013. - No. 6. - P. 6-17. - EDN:; EDN:
3. Bykhovsky L. Z., Tigunov L. P., Emelyanov S. A. Development of a feasibility study of permanent conditions, calculation of reserves of titanium-zirconium sands of the Itmanovskaya placer of the Lukoyanovsky deposit in the Nizhny Novgorod region (as of 06/01/2010). - 2010a. - URL:; EDN:
4. Bykhovsky L. Z., Vasilyev A. T., Zabirko A. G. On the development project for the Beshpagirskoye complex rare metal-titanium placer deposit // Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management. - 2010b. - No. 1. - P. 68-75. - EDN:
5. Charlier B., Duchesne J.-C., Vander Auwera J. Magma chamber processes in the Tellnes ilmenite deposit (Rogaland Anorthosite Province, SW Norway) and the formation of Fe-Ti ores in massif-type anorthosites // Chemical Geology. - 2006. - Vol. 234, no. 3/4. - P. 264-290. - DOI:
6. Charlier B., Namur O., Bolle O., et al. Fe-Ti-V-P ore deposits associated with Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites and related rocks // Earth-Science Reviews. - 2015. - Vol. 141. - P. 56-81. - DOI:
7. Charlier B., Namur O., Malpas S., et al. Origin of the giant Allard Lake ilmenite ore deposit (Canada) by fractional crystallization, multiple magma pulses and mixing // Lithos. - 2010. - Vol. 117, no. 1-4. - P. 119-134. - DOI:
8. Chuiko V. A., Sinkin V. A., Naumov V. A., et al. Syuzevskoye diamond placer: A new stage in studying the diamond potential of Western Urals // Lithosphere. - 2023. - Vol. 23, no. 4. - P. 701-713. - DOI:; DOI:; EDN:
9. Kamilli R. J., Kimball B. E., Carlin J. F. Critical mineral resources of the United States - Economic and environmental geology and prospects for future supply / ed. by K. J. Schulz, J. H. DeYoung, R. R. Seal, et al. - US Geological Survey Professional Paper, 2017. - DOI:
10. Lalomov A. V., Grigoreva A. V., Bochneva A. A., et al. Rare metal placer deposits of the Lovozero massif // Exploration and protection of subsoil. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 51-56. - EDN:
11. Lalomov A. V., Grigoreva A. V., Zajczev V. A. Mineral composition of rare metal placers of the Lovozero massif // Geology of ore deposits. - 2022a. - No. 5. - P. 485-497. - DOI:; EDN:
12. Lalomov A. V., Vladimirczeva O. V., Bochneva A. A. The role of alluvial deposits in the Russian gold mining industry // Gold and technology. - 2022b. - 4 (58). - P. 36-44.; DOI:; EDN:
13. Levchenko E. N., Grigoreva A. V. Typomorphic and processrelated features of associated gold in complex placer deposits // Ore beneficiation. - 2021. - No. 3. - P. 24-32. - DOI:; ; EDN:
14. Levchenko E. N., Lalomov A. V., Grigor’eva A. V., et al. Mineralogical and processing study of loparite placers of the Lovozero massif // Ore beneficiation. - 2023. - No. 1. - P. 29-37. - DOI:; ; EDN:
15. MPR Rossii. Methodological recommendations for applying the classification of reserves of solid minerals to alluvial deposits (put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated July 4, 2000 No. 169). - 2000. - URL:
16. Osipov A. P. Report on prospecting and assessment work within the central part of the Lukoyanovsky titaniumzirconium deposit (Itmanovskaya deposit) in the Lukoyanovsky district of the Gorky region, carried out by the Lukoyanovsky State Enterprise in 1982-85. - Gorkii, 1985. - URL:
17. Pavlovskii A. B. Tin ores // Great Russian Encyclopedia. - 2014. - Vol. 24.
18. Rosgeolfond. State balance of mineral reserves of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2022. Issue 14. Tin. - 2022.
19. Smirnov A. N., Ushakov V. I., Kryukov V. D. A reserve of the tin resource base in the shelf areas of the Russian Arctic seas // Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management. - 2008. - No. 6. - P. 15-21. - EDN: .;
20. Sporykhina L. V., Patyk-Kara N. G. Placers of tin // Placer deposits in Russia and other CIS countries. - Moscow : Nauchnyi mir, 1997. - P. 165-206.
21. Suiekpayev Y. S., Sapargaliyev Y. M., Dolgopolova A. V., et al. Mineralogy, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon age of the Karaotkel Ti-Zr placer deposit, Eastern Kazakhstan and its genetic link to the Karaotkel-Preobrazhenka intrusion // Ore Geology Reviews. - 2021. - Vol. 131. - P. 104015. - DOI:; DOI:; EDN:
22. U.S. Geological Survey. Mineral commodity summaries 2020. - 2020. - DOI: VIMS-CZNIGRI.
23. State report “On the state and use of mineral resources of the Russian Federation in 2020”. - 2021. VIMS-CZNIGRI.; DOI:; EDN:
24. State report “On the state and use of mineral resources of the Russian Federation in 2021”. - 2022. VIMS-Mineral-Info.
25. State report “On the state and use of mineral resources of the Russian Federation in 2016 and 2017”. - 2018.
26. Volkov A. V., Galyamov A. L., Lalomov A. V., et al. Metalliferous conglomerates - potential sources of placers in the Arctic zone of Russia // Arctic: ecology and economics. - 2021. - Vol. 11, no. 2. - P. 232-243. - DOI:; DOI:; EDN:
27. Zolotodobycha. Nearly 1000 tonnes of gold could be recovered from gold mining tailings in South Africa. - 2023. - URL: (visited on 10/03/2023).