Regional Remote Sensing Analysis of Fault Tectonics of the Kola Peninsula and Its Role in Ore Formation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of a comprehensive analysis of fault tectonics of the Kola Peninsula, carried out on a regional scale, are considered. Based on a digital relief model, generalized for various scale levels, lineaments were identified manually and automatically. The results obtained in combination with literature data made it possible to carry out tectonophysical reconstructions using the Hancock model. Based on the results of these reconstructions, the proposed areas of tectonic structures were identified that had the greatest hydraulic activity at the time of the introduction of mafic-ultrabasic massifs and dike complexes of pegmatite belts, which are associated with ore deposits of scarce types of strategic minerals of the Kola Peninsula (copper, nickel, chromium, rare metals, etc.) The areas were identified, promising for the discovery of new ore objects.

Kola Peninsula, Baltic shield, faults, digital elevation model, remote sensing of the Earth, lineaments, tectonophysics, ore deposits, geographic information system, strategic metals
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