Study of the Faults Network of Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands) in Order to Reconstruct the Features of its Tectonic Evolution
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper is devoted to the study of the faults on Kunashir Island, focusing on their classification, morphology, kinematics, timing, and causes of formation, which are key to understanding the tectonic evolution of the area. The magma-supporting role of these faults is noted, contributing to the understanding of the distribution of volcanic and plutonic formations in the Great Kuril Ridge. The ore-controlling role of the faults was evaluated, which may contribute to the discovery of new mineral deposits. Additionally, studying these faults is important for improving the prediction of earthquakes and tsunamis. The research methodology includes an integrated approach that combines traditional geological observations with modern remote sensing methods, allowing us to detail the map of the Kunashir Island rupture faults. The results of the work confirm the presence of three systems of tectonic structures that differ in depth of emplacement, length, timing, kinematics, and causes of formation. The study contributes to our understanding of the complex geological structure of Kunashir Island and the entire island arc and provides a basis for further research in this area.

Kuril Island Arc, Kunashir, lineament analysis, remote sensing data, strike-slip faults, shear, back-arc basin, Kuril Basin
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