Deep Structure of the Middle Urals According to Magnetic and Gravitational Data
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For the Middle Urals and adjacent territories of the East European and West Siberian platforms within geographic coordinates from 56∘ to 60∘ northern latitude and from 54∘ to 66∘ east longitude, the structural features of the anomalous magnetic and gravitational fields were studied and maps of separated anomalies were constructed for three layers of the Earth's crust. Using original parallel algorithms for solving forward and inverse problems of gravimetry and magnetometry, a density model of the lithosphere and sources of magnetic anomalies in the Earth's crust were constructed. The results of modeling the sources of magnetic anomalies in the Earth's crust are compared with the density model in order to study the differences in the deep structure of the western and eastern sectors of the Ural fold system, as well as the zones of junction of the Paleozoic Uralian orogen with the ancient East European and Epi-Gercinian West Siberian platforms.

magnetic and gravitational anomalies, inverse problems of gravimetry and magnetometry, Earth’s crust 3D models, Middle Urals
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