The Gulf Stream Structure and Meandering Based on the CTD and SADCP Measurements in 1989–1990 and 2014–2015
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Abstract (English):
An review of field studies in the Gulf Stream region carried out by the authors in two periods with a break of 25 years is presented to summarize the results. The studies in the early period included hydrographic surveys in the area of a southern meander of the Gulf Stream (1989) and in the area of dividing of a single jet of the current into separate branches: in the Gulf Stream delta (1990). The second, recent, stage includes on-route surveys with SADCP profiler in 2014–2015 while crossing the meandering Gulf Stream at mid-latitudes to study its detailed high-resolution velocity field structure.

Gulf Stream, meanders, rings, cores, CTD-survey, Gulf Stream delta, transport, SADCP, vertical and horizontal velocity shears
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