Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Substantiation of the suitability of the subsoil area for the construction of a radioactive waste repository in deep geological formations is a consequential multistage process, including the studies on the scale of "district", "site", "plot". In near future in Russia it is planned to start work on sinking permanent mine openings of the underground research laboratory (URL). The purpose of this article is to provide a brief analysis of international and local research experience in underground research laboratories and their equivalents, as well as the deep geological repository (DGR) safety requirements to determine the scope of work on scientific and technical support for the URL construction. A brief review of the applied research methods is presented on the following aspects: Parameters characterizing structural and tectonic condition of the rock mass - rupture zones, fracture zones of various origins, monolith areas; geomechanical characteristics (stress-strain state, deformability and strength); hydrogeological characteristics of the mass elements and groundwater flow patterns; characteristics of the physical and chemical processes of interaction between groundwater and rocks and materials of engineering barriers.

Ключевые слова:
Underground research laboratory, in situ set of research, condition of the mass, construction of URL
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Список литературы

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