The Novorossiysk bora is being studied for the first time as a phenomenon of flowing around real low mountains using a nonlinear analytical two-dimensional model. The vertical unboundness of the atmosphere is taken into account in a three-layer representation, characteristic features of the relief shape are considered exactly, the kinematics and the dynamics of the interaction of flows in different layers are considered approximately. The role of the magnitude of the flow velocity with its characteristic hydrostatic stability is being investigated for the first time in a wide range. It has been shown for the first time that disturbances over real low mountains can remain significant at altitudes of 30 km; Long's resonance effects in the troposphere are excluded; the dependence of the disturbances on the velocity has a decreasing character only on average, and for some velocity values it has a wave character. The conditions for the appearance of rotors in the flow and degree of their stability in the presence of stratification are being discussed.
Atmosphere physics, hydrodynamics, modelling, mountain flow, wave frequency, Lira wave scale, the Novorossiyskbora
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