Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This article analyzes the current state of exploration of the tectonic structure and seismotectonics of Armenia as well as the results of seismological studies. Current problems in this area are identified. The analysis of seismotectonic maps created by various researchers is carried out and the main contradictions in their construction are highlighted. The authors have estimated the accuracy of the earthquake catalogs of Armenia for the periods 1962-1990 and 1991-2018. The main problems affecting reliable statistical analysis of earthquake catalogs are identified. The main causes of these uncertainties as well as possible solutions are described in detail. The article provides a review of seismotectonic studies in Armenia. The results of previous research are mainly aimed at establishing focal zones of strong earthquakes and assessing the seismotectonic potential of the main seismogenic structures. The article presents the method used in those explorations. Considering existing problems in the fields of tectonics, seismology and geodynamics, it is very relevant to conduct new research, including the development of GNSS observations, and application of updated seismological data.

Ключевые слова:
Tectonics, seismology, seismotectonics, seismogenicstructures, seismotectonic potential, Armenia
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