"Open access" to scientific data led to develop new approaches in data management. The study describes methods and approaches for creation of subject geological system of quantitative information management. The types of existing open sources of quantitative data sets are considered. Examples of sources of data sets of various types with a brief description are given. The international standards used in the construction of the system are described. The proposed technological solution is based on principles of DataCite, FAIR-systems and OAI protocols. The system allows to automatically generate data collections from geographically distributed sources: repositories, databases, world data centers. The system is being developed as part of the work on creating an Information-Analytical Geological Environment, which provides a single access point to geological data on the territory of Russia and their processing systems. The software modules and solutions that were used to create the system based on the proposed approach are described. The subject adaptation of the interface is also described.
Geographically distributed sources, quantitative datasets, geology of Russia
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