New methods for studying the anomalous magnetic field of the lithosphere and modeling the sources of anomalies in different layers of the Earth's crust are given in this article. The interpretation consists of three stages: separation of anomalies from the sources in different layers of the Earth's crust, data conversion to the magnetic pole and solving the inverse problem of finding the surface of sources. To isolate anomalies from different layers of the earth's crust, we used a technique based on the subsequent continuation of magnetic data up and down. Calculation of the vertical component of the anomalous magnetic field by its absolute value and conversion to the pole is based on the approximation of the anomalies of the magnetic induction modulus through a set of singular sources - magnetized rods. To solve the nonlinear inverse problem and calculate the boundaries separating layers with different magnetization, the method of local corrections was applied. The new computer technology was created using parallel computing in the multiprocessor computer systems. To demonstrate the developed methods, we chose the region of Western Urals 300 km ×230" role="presentation">×230
Magnetic anomaly, Earth’s crust, modelling, parallel algorithms, inverse problem
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