Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Studies of Arctic coasts are of great importance given their active dynamics with thetendency to retreat, especially in the last decades under the conditions of global climatewarming and enhanced human impact. Here, we present the results of the first surveysof the Kara Sea coasts with use of such new technique as unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). Land surveys using DJI Phantom 4 PRO drone were conducted at two keysites: the Yamal coast of Baydaratskaya Bay in the area of the Bovanenkovo-Ukhtagas pipeline crossing (western Kara Sea) in 2018, and the western coast of Taymyrpeninsula in the area of Dikson settlement, Lemberova Bay (eastern Kara Sea) in2019. The imagery and DEMs built based on the UAV survey data were compared toearlier satellite imagery and ArcticDEMs that allowed estimation of coastal dynamicsfor several periods. Since the 1960s, coasts of the key areas had relatively slow retreat(0.4 m/yr for the Yamal area and 0.1 m/yr for the Taymyr area) compared to othersites of the Kara Sea and the Arctic in general. At the same time, there were higherosion rates at separate segments in certain periods: they reached 2 m/yr at erosionalcoastal segments with ice wedge outcrops, and up to 10 m/yr at low accumulativecoasts in the area of gas facilities in the period of their construction.

Ключевые слова:
Arctic coasts, Kara Sea, UAVs, remote sensing, coastal erosion
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