Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
On the base of reanalysis data and station measurements during the last century, the spatial-temporal distribution of $\sim 60$ yr and other interdecadal oscillations for the part of hydrometeorological, hydrophysical and hydrobiological parameters of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean was studied. Their dominant climate trends at present time are shown for the different parts of the region. We were also investigated periodicities in the time series of various marine and terrestrial paleo-reconstructions having duration up to 5000~yrs based of the study of marine sediments, coral reefs, dendrochronology, stalagmites, ice cores which are both from this region and the adjacent areas, as well as the Wolf number. The climatic variability of an Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) index was analyzed. It has been shown that the $\sim 60$-yr oscillations play an important role in the variability of the monsoon over the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Ключевые слова:
Monsoon of the Indian Ocean, Indian Ocean Dipole, reanalysis and station measurement data, paleoreconstructions, interdecadal variability, $\sim 60$ yr oscillations
Список литературы

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