Numerical simulation of surges in the White and Barents seas is based on the ADCIRC numerical model and SWAN spectral wave model. In this paper, the terms ``surge'' and ``storm surge'' were divided. The ``surge'' is considered to be a physical phenomenon, and ``storm surge'' is an eco-geographical one. A calculating method of surge height was presented. Calculations were made using an unstructured mesh with high spatial resolution, covering both the White and Barents seas with a minimum step of 50~m in the coastal zone. The NCEP/CFSR reanalysis of wind, atmospheric pressure, and ice concentration fields from 1979 to 2015 were used as the input data. The tides based on the FES 2008 database with a $1/8\mbox{°}$ resolution were defined at the open boundary. Validation of the ADCIRC model data was made using the observational data. The ADCIRC model was adjusted to the conditions in the White and Barents seas. The synoptic situations, which lead to surge occurrence, were analyzed. The seasonal and interannual variability of the occurrence of surges was given. The wind, atmospheric pressure, and wind waves contribution to the surge formation was assessed. Extreme values of surge heights, which are possible once in a hundred years, were calculated.
White Sea, Barents Sea, surge, storm surge, ADCIRC, SWAN, unstructured mesh, wind force, atmospheric pressure force, NCEP/CFSR
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