Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Better understanding of marine geomorphology plays a vital role in the development of humankind. Therefore, satellite altimetry data serves as a comprehensive and cohesive method. The present study attempts to explore the delineation of submarine structural features and a correlation of tectonic features both on land and offshore of the west coast off Kerala, using Global bathymetric model (GBM) and satellite-derived gravity data. The study observes the south-west coast of Indian peninsula, which has a unique geological and structural features. It is a passive margin, which has undergone drift-rift mechanism associated with the separation of Madagascar--Seychelles--India. The hinterland of the area is an assortment from the Meso-Archean to Neo-Proterozoic crustal blocks sandwiched with shear zones. The study area has been divided into three zones (Zone~I, II and III) based on major shear zones in continental part to decipher the tectonic control. Satellite altimetry data has been used to derive drainages with different threshold to study submarine drainage system, channel shift, fault, impact crater etc. Conversely, all these observations deduced by satellite altimetry data have been validated with available published data. This study implies that geodesy data is an important and economical tool for preliminary studies, for understanding regional geological niche and its structural/tectonic control.

Ключевые слова:
Satellite altimetry, neotectonism, passive margin, oblique rift valley
Список литературы

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