Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Petromagnetic and thermomagnetic properties of 13 dunite samples from the Pekul'ney Complex in the central Chukotka Peninsula, NE Russia, were measured to gain insight into the potentialities of thermomagnetic techniques in application to studying ultramafic rocks. Dunite currently found in layered tabular ultramafite bodies was produced in the lower crust beneath island arcs or oceanic volcanic arcs and now occurs in tectonic blocks a few kilometers across in the mélange in the axial part of the Pekul'ney Range, which marks the boundary between volcanic complexes. When exhumed, the dunite was affected by a number of episodes of prograde metamorphism, which were associated with the crystallization of metamorphic spinel and magnetite in these rocks. Our data confirm that the temperatures of kinks on the thermomagnetic curves of the natural remanent magnetization of the rocks $I_{n}(T)$ reflect the temperatures of the metamorphic episodes during which ferromagnetic minerals crystallized. Within the range of the possible comparison of temperature estimates obtained for metamorphic recrystallization using magnetic and petrologic techniques (approximately 400--600° C), these estimates for dunite show reasonably good consistence. It is established that the ferromagnetic mineral that crystallized during two metamorphic episodes of the dunite at 530--580 and 400--460° C was low-Cr magnetite. Our data do not indicate that metamorphic spinel can any significantly contribute to the integral magnetization of the rocks. In addition to the two aforementioned episodes of metamorphic recrystallization, our thermomagnetic data on the dunite suggest metamorphic episodes within the temperature ranges of 250--280 and 170--200° C. Data obtained in the course of this study are the first to prove simultaneous crystallization of metamorphic Cr-spinel and magnetite whose compositions were not in thermodynamic equilibrium during certain episodes of medium-temperature metamorphic recrystallization of the ultramafic rock, which can be explained by the very low mobility of Cr in the course of metamorphism.

Ключевые слова:
Serpentinization, medium-temperature metamorphism, ferrite-chromite, thermomagnetic curves, geothermometer, solid solution, Curie temperature, metamorphic recrystallization
Список литературы

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