Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The problems of remote monitoring systems for detection and classification of anomalous phenomena in the environment with appropriate algorithms and software are considered. The technique of detecting and classifying anomalous phenomena in the investigated medium suggested in this paper allows us to solve the problems of measurement and detection on a real time basis. A scientific basis for multi-channel remote monitoring systems has been developed. New methods and algorithms for processing remote sensing data and formation of updated databases for improving our knowledge about environment were used. The system is based on modern computer technologies and high-performance computing systems. It is clear that the analysis of integrated contact and remote measurements can increase reliability of estimations of parameters of natural systems and solve the problem of planning of these measurements. Application of remote monitoring is related in many cases to the acceptance of the statistical decision about the existence of any given phenomenon on a surveyed part of the study site. One of the features of information gathering for such a decision is the impossibility of obtaining statistical samples in large amounts. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the optimum algorithms of identification of random signals characterized by the samples of limited data under the conditions of a priori parametric indefiniteness.

Ключевые слова:
Monitoring, remote sensing, data processing, statistical decision, statistical samples, detection, classification, computer learning
Список литературы

1. Armand, N. A., Krapivin, V. F., Mkrtchyan, F. A. Methods of Data Processing of Radiophysical Research of an Environment - Moscow: Nauka., 1987. - 270 pp.

2. Armand, N. A., Krapivin, V. F., Mkrtchyan, F. A. GIMS-technology as new approach to the information support of the environment study, // Problems of the Environment and Natural Resources, 1997. - no. 3 - p. 31.

3. Mkrtchyan, F. A. Optimal Distinction of Signals and Monitoring Problems - Moscow: Nauka., 1982. - 185 pp.

4. Mkrtchyan, F. A. Problems of Statistical Decisions in Ocean Monitoring // Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, Volume XXXVIII, Part 8, Kyoto, Japan, 9-12 August, 2010 - Kyoto, Japan: ISPRS., 2010a. - p. 1038. EDN:

5. Mkrtchyan, F. A. Statistical decisions for samples small volume // Proceedings PIERS in Cambridge, USA, July 5-8, 2010 - Cambridge, USA: PIERS., 2010b. - p. 361.

6. Mkrtchyan, F. A. Problems of Statistical Decisions for Remote Monitoring of the Environment // Proceedings PIERS in Prague, July 6-9, 2015 - Prague: PIERS., 2015. - p. 639. EDN:

7. Mkrtchyan, F. A., Krapivin, V. F. GIMS-Technology in Monitoring Marine Ecosystems // Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, Volume XXXVIII, Part 8, Kyoto, Japan, 9-12 August, 2010 - Kyoto, Japan: ISPRS., 2010. - p. 427. EDN:

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