Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This synthesis report present the scientific results of the international conference ``Global Challenges and Data-Driven Science'' which took place in St.~Petersburg, Russian Federation from 8 October to 13 October 2017. This event facilitated multidisciplinary scientific dialogue between leading scientists, data managers and experts, as well as Big Data researchers of various fields of knowledge. The St.~Petersburg conference covered a wide range of topics related to data science. It featured discussions covering the collection and processing of large amounts of data, the implementation of system analysis methods into data science, machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, decision-making robotics and algorithms of artificial intelligence. The conference was an outstanding event in the field of scientific diplomacy and brought together more than 150 participants from 35 countries. It's success ensured the effective data science dialog between nations and continents and established a new platform for future collaboration.

Ключевые слова:
Big Data, Open Data, FAIR principles, data-driven science, system analysis methods, data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition, international conference, CODATA
Список литературы

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