Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
A new technology was elaborated, which combines geographical information system GIS technologies with GIS-oriented algorithmic methods of pattern recognition PR). Numerous thematic data layers for geosciences, provided by Russian and international scientific institutions and data sources were imported into the GIS. Technology and software for the integration of PR methods within within the integrated geoinformation environment was developed in the form of the Centralized Catalogue of Geodata Processing Algorithms CCGPA). A GIS visualization subsystem was created to provide interaction between the system and its users. It includes geodata layers visualization, map operations, geodata set management and representation of CCGPA-stored algorithm application results.

Ключевые слова:
Geoinformation system, geodata, Earth sciences, pattern recognition
Список литературы

1. Berezko, Intellectualnaya geoinformacionnaya sistema "Dannye nauk o Zemle po territorii Rossii", Ingenernaya Ekologiya, no. 5, 2008.

2. Beriozko, Intellectual analytical geoinformation system "Earth sciences data for the territory of Russia", Materials of the International Conference "Electronic Geophysical Year: State of the Art and Results", 2009, edited by V. Nechitailenko,, 2009a., doi:

3. Berezko, Intellectual analytical geoinformation system ``Earth Science Data for the Territory of Russia'', Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Environment. Technology. Resources", 2009, 2009b.

4. Berezko, Intellectualnaya GIS "Dannye nauk o Zemle po territorii Rossii", Materialy XV mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii "Problemy zaschity naseleniya i territorii ot chrezvychainyh situacii", 2010, 2010.

5. Lebedev, Development of centralized catalog of geophysical data processing algorithms, Russ. J. Earth Sci., no. 11, 2009., doi:

6. Lebedev, Sozdanie centralizovannogo cataloga algoritmov obrabotki geodahhyh, Geoinformatika, no. 2, 2010.

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