Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
In the frame of the international project "InterMARGINS'', the research in the deep structure of active continental margins of the transition zone from the Eurasian continent to the Pacific was conducted along the deep cross-section of the tectonosphere including the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. The deep section profile runs across the Mesozoic structures of Sikhote Alin, rift structure of Tatar Strait, Cenozoic formations of Sakhalin, Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk, volcanic structures of Kuril Island Arc, Kuril deep trench and the Mesozoic plate of Northwest Pacific Basin. The length of the profile is 2000nbsp;km. The depth of penetration into the earth's interior is 100nbsp;km. A distinctive feature of the transition zone structure is the asthenospheric layer occurrence in the upper mantle; diapirs of hot anomalous mantle branch off from this layer and processes going on in them cause the formation of the region geological structures. A correlation is noted between geological structures, tectonic and magmatic activity and the upper mantle structure. Tectonically active regions like island arcs and rift structures of marginal seas correspond to thick and most distinct asthenosphere generating magma.

Ключевые слова:
deep structure, active continental margins, transition zone, upper mantle, marginal seas.
Список литературы

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