Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The organization of data related to geoscience, comprising data collection, filing, processing, dissemination and application at solving scientific and practical tasks over the past years seemed rather complicated. This is caused by the contradiction between, on one hand, incessantly growing data flow and intensive development of data processing and interpretation means and, on the other hand, progressively growing difficulties of ensuring data compatibility, exchange of data and use of data processing results by a wide range of researchers and other users. The solution of problems mentioned above can be significantly facilitated by creation and application of geographical information systems GIS technology, as a cumulative set of means of data filing, joint processing and analysis, with geographical or spatial reference. This technology comprises traditional methods of using databases with advantages of full-fledged visualization and geographical spatial analysis. These capabilities can distinguish GIS from other information systems and provide unique opportunities to its application for solving a wide spectrum of problems, related to analyzing and forecasting phenomena and events of the surrounding world, by contemplating and emphasizing main factors and causes, and also their possible consequences, by planning strategic solutions and current results of undertaken activities. The recent study the GIS technology was applied for construction and program realization of integrated geoinformation environment, including digital maps comprising various thematic data levels on geoscience.

Ключевые слова:
Geographic information system, geoinformatics, artificial intelligence.
Список литературы

1. Beriozko, Cahiers du Center Europ#xE9;en de G#xE9;odynamique et de S#xE9;ismologie, vol. 9, edited by J. Bonnin, B. Ducarme, J. Dubois, A. Gvishiani, 1995.

2. Gvishiani, Izv. Phys. Solid Earth, v. 38, 2002.

3. Mikhailov, Geophysics, v. 68, no. 1, 2003.

4. Gvishiani, Cahiers du Center Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie, v. 20, 2003.

5. Gvishiani, Cahiers du Center Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie, v. 20, 2003.

6. Zlotnicki, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., v. 234, 2005.

7. Agayan, System Research amp; Information Technologies, v. 0, no. 2, 2004.

8. Soloviev, Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 404, no. 7, 2005.

9. Belov, Geoinformatica, no. 2, 2007.

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