Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The Riphean history of depositional basins in the study region can be divided into Early-Middle Riphean and Late Riphean phases. Throughout the Riphean, clastic material was supplied chiefly from eastern regions of the Russian craton. Deposition occurred mainly in semi-arid environments, humid and near-glacial epochs being considerably shorter. Riphean carbonate and siliciclastic sedimentary deposits are dominated by those of shallow-water and nearshore basin environments. In the Early and Middle Riphean, the principal type of depositional basins in the study region was relatively small epicratonic seas. The peculiarities of architecture and spatial distribution of the Late Riphean sedimentary deposits suggest that in the middle or end of this timespan, there appeared a major cratonic-margin basin that covered the entire eastern and northeastern margins of the Eastern European craton.

Ключевые слова:
Riphean sedimentary sequences, Eastern European craton, sedimentary deposits.
Список литературы

1. Getsen, The Riphean and Vendian of the North of the European Portion of the USSR, 1987.

2. Ivanov, Formation of the Earth's Crust of the Urals, 1986.

3. Khain, Historical Geotectonics, The Precambrian, 1988.

4. Maslov, 15th International Sedimentological Congress, 1998, 12-17 April, 1998.

5. Maslov, Stratigr. Geol. Korrelyatsiya, v. 8, no. 1, 2000.

6. Maslov, Certain aspects of geologic history of the Riphean of the western slope of the South Urals: A real-time framework, Yezhegodnik-2000, 2001.

7. Mossakovsky, Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk, v. 350, no. 6, 1996.

8. Olovyanishnikov, The Upper Precambrian of Timan and the Kanin Peninsula, 1998.

9. Puchkov, Palegeodynamics of the South and Middle Urals, 2000.

10. Samygin, General Issues of Tectonics, The Tectonics of Russia, 2000.

11. Stratigraphic Schemes of the Urals: Precambrian and Paleoozoic, Stratigraphic Schemes of the Urals: Precambrian and Paleozoic, 1993.

12. Surkov, Otechestv. Geol., v. 6, 1993.

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