The migration of the rotation axis in the Earth body was proved by astronomers at the end of the last century proceeding from the results of observing the latitude changes LC. The observations of this process in time are carried out by a network of observatories. A huge data array has been accumulated, and the main regularities of this process have been established, proceeding from the studies of S.Chandler 1891. The present-day state of the LC model explanations cannot be ranked as satisfactory. The present-day contradictions between the collected empirical data and the LC reconstruction in terms of a free LC nutation model are discussed and explained in this paper.
model of free nutation, latitude variation process, migration of the rotation axis.
1. Newcomb, On the dynamics of the Earth rotation with respect to the periodic variation of latitude MN, 1892.
2. Runcorn, Survey in Geophysics, v. 9, 1988.
3. Yumi, Results of the international latitude servise 1962--1967, Vol. XII, 1978.