In the context of digitalization of all aspects of the surrounding world, data is becoming particularly relevant as one of the most valuable resources. The concept of "big data" means a huge amount of information, the size of which is too large, or it is created too quickly or has a structuring that does not allow it to be processed using traditional data management systems. Currently, large amounts of data and analytics are increasingly used by government agencies, non-governmental organizations and private companies in the field of environmental protection. The range of practical use of this technology is quite wide: from improving energy efficiency, tracking climate change over long periods of time, monitoring water quality, and ending with the promotion of environmental justice. This article describes several extremely promising applications of large data sets and their analytics, which can help achieve the goals of environmental protection and sustainable development, provide environmental benefits, help research on the environment, its conservation and protection. The widespread adoption of big data processing solutions allows us to illustrate the range of initiatives and approaches to reduce the environmental burden used by government agencies, non-governmental organizations and private companies.
big data, protection of the environment, sustainable development
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