Based on the data of the geobotanical survey of near-water herbaceous and shrub vegetation of the main water bodies of the Krasnodar Krai (floodplain and delta of the Kuban River, the Black Sea, and the Azov Sea), a new association of Trachomitetum sarmatiensea ass. nova hoc loco and two subassociations of Trachomitetum sarmatiensea calystegetosum sepium subass. nova, Trachomitetum sarmatiense cynanchumetosum acutum subass. nova as part of the Phragmiti-Magnocancetea class were identified. The article presents tables of relevés of phytocenoses, phytocenotic characteristics of the communities of the new association, quantitative indicators of the abundance and density of the species Trachomitum sarmatiense that are rare for the Western Caucasus and the Black Sea coast.
syntaxonomy, coastal vegetation, rare plant species, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Phragmitetalia communis, Phragmition communis, Trachomitum sarmatiense Woodson
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