The article contains an analysis of the share of mayor wind power plants in regional energy mixes and evaluation of their contribution to CO2 emission reducing, basing on the data for wind capacities construction and launch. The estimations showed that wind plants in Republic of Kalmykia could cover more than 94% of industrial and household electricity demand. Forecast evaluations for the wind plants planned to be put into operation until 2024 demonstrate a high wind potential for satisfaction of energy demand in Republics of Kalmykia and Adygeya as well as in Ulyanovsk and Astrakhan regions. The decrease in CO2 emissions in the regions of Russia was estimated by 2024 due to the absence of emissions at wind farms in the amount of 4.5 million tons per year.
renewable energy sources, wind energy, CO2 emission, electricity consumption, power supply, wind power plants, capacity factor
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