Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Geoinformatics is a scientific discipline that focuses on natural, technical, and socioeconomic spatial systems studied through computer modeling of localized objects and phenomena. The main goals of geoinformatics as a science are visualization, localization, and decision-making regarding spatial transformations of the environment. The structure of geoinformatics includes such sections as geosystem modeling, spatial analysis, and applied geoinformatics itself. The development of technologies for collecting, storing, converting and exchanging spatial and temporal data has led to the rapid development of GIS technologies and the emergence of a wide variety of industrial GIS aimed at processing geodata in order to make informed decisions. Currently, geoinformatics in many industries is perceived as a geoinformation industry, which implies the presence of its own equipment, the development of commercial software products such as GIS, a staff of experienced expert analysts and the organization of marketing. The paper highlights three of the most pressing problems faced by researchers in the field of geoinformatics over the past two decades: interoperability, digital transformation, and geodata fusion. The characteristic features of these problems and some aspects of their solution are considered.

Ключевые слова:
geoinformatics, GIS, geointeroperability, digital transformation, geodata fusion
Список литературы

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