Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Integration interpretation of geophysical anomalies is a procedure for extracting geological and geophysical information about the object under study from observed physical fields. Interpretations are closely related to solutions of systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE), therefore the possibility of the most complete and constructive description of all solutions of SLAE is of particular importance. It will allow you to take into account all additional information about the object and obtain the highest quality interpretation. The paper presents the authors’ results on the constructive description of SLAE solutions and its application to the construction of gravimetric interpretations.

Ключевые слова:
system of linear algebraic equations; inverse magnetometry problem; constructive description of solutions; projection method
Список литературы

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6. Zelenyi, M., M. Poliakova, A. Nozik, and A. Khudyakov (2018), Application of Turchin’s method of statistical regularization, EPJ Web of Conferences, 177, 07,005, EDN:

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