Methane in the Water Column of the Gdansk Deep (Baltic Sea): Seasonal and Vertical Variability
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The study of the vertical distribution of methane dissolved in water and related parameters (water temperature and salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration) was carried out in 2021–2023 at the offshore carbon supersite Rosyanka in the Gdansk Deep of the Baltic Sea. Measurements with such frequency (a total of 16 surveys) were carried out in the region for the first time. Methane concentrations varied over a fairly wide range (0.000–1.122 μmol/L), and increased with depth, which is a typical distribution for the Baltic Sea and is associated with the vertical stratification of the water column. Single maximum values were characteristic of the layer extending from the bottom to the upper boundary of the halocline, which indicates the flow of methane from bottom sediments into the water column. In the near-surface layer (5–15 m), a weakly pronounced peak in methane concentrations was observed, which is a manifestation of the “oceanic methane paradox”. No pronounced seasonality was detected in the vertical distribution of dissolved methane; the correlation between temperature, salinity, oxygen, and methane content turned out to be low.

Ключевые слова:
dissolved methane, carbon supersite, thermohaline conditions, hypoxia
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Список литературы

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