The Cyclostratigraphy of the Eastern Paratethys Konkian: Zelensky Section (Taman Peninsula)
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The Eastern Paratethys Konkian sedimentary successions of the Zelensky section (Taman peninsula, Russia) were investigated by cyclostratigraphy methods based on magnetic susceptibility measurements. Cyclostratigraphy is a new scientific direction in stratigraphy and sedimentology, the purpose of which is to identify astronomical cyclicity for the reconstruction geochronology using high-precision technologies. Time series analysis (Lomb-Scargle and REDFIT periodograms, wavelet) revealed statistically significant signals corresponding most likely to long-term insolation periodicities in studied sediments. In the deep-water Konkian sediments of the Zelensky section, the signal at 3.3 m corresponds to the 100-kyr eccentricity cycle. The astronomically tuned these sediments result in an average sedimentation rate of about 3.3 cm/kyr with the duration of accumulation of the Sartaganian and Veselyankian beds about 200 kyr. The obtained cyclostratigraphic results generally do not contradict the new data about the possible duration of the Konkian (Kartvelian, Sartaganian and Veselyankian beds) of about 750 kyr [Palcu et al., 2017].

Ключевые слова:
Eastern Paratethys, Konkian, Taman peninsula, Zelensky section, cyclostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility
Список литературы

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