Russian Federation
The project targets a geospatial database on hydrocarbon extraction methods in the 20th century for large and super large oil and gas deposits in Russia and other countries. The work was executed in sequential steps. At first domestic and international relevant sources of information were collected, merged and analyzed. The list of the attribute data base tables and their values have been elaborated from this analysis. The project's main objective is a comparative analytical study of the hydrocarbon extraction methods to assess the role of the RF on the global scale. To increase effectiveness of the results a multifunctional web-service is being developed based on the Esri Geoportal Server platform. The later is characterized by the following features: multi-level access to data; search by parameter presets; viewing and filtering of selected data layers using online mapping applications; sorting of metadata, including bibliographic information for each field. Such a complex approach as well as a multidisciplinary database will play an important role for solving various tasks in the area of oil and gas exploration and extraction. This article will present the results of this systems analysis study concerning the positions of different oil and gas countries in the list of leaders.
Deposits, oil, gas, database, large and super large oil and gas deposits, methods, exploration, technology
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