Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This study is aimed at expanding the number of measured parameters to analyze the features of the formation of surface waves under the influence of wind. The paper develops an original approach to obtaining information on the variability of the short-wave part of the wave spectrum (examples are given for wavelengths from about 50 cm to 2 cm in 6 intervals) and the long-wave component of the wave spectrum (> 1 m) in marine conditions. To illustrate the approach, a six-frequency underwater acoustic wave gauge was simulated, which measures the slope variance of the large-scale waves, compared to the radiation wavelength, for each radiation frequency. The work is caried out a theoretical analysis of slope variance retrieved from reflected acoustic pulses for different radiation frequencies depending on the near-surface wind speed and swell wave height. For comparison, a study of a new parameter, the differential slope variance, is carried out, which contains information about short waves in the intervals of cut-off wavenumbers corresponding to the radiation frequencies. It is shown that the use of differential slope variances of the large-scale waves makes it possible to get clear of the influence of swell in the case of mixed waves and obtain a better correlation with the wind speed. The paper proposes a method for retrieving the exponent of the spectral slope in the intervals of cut-off wavelength corresponded to the radiation frequencies. Within this method, it is possible to retrieve the cut-off wavenumbers for each radiation frequency.

Air/sea interactions, Instruments and techniques, Ocean observing systems, Ocean remote sensing statistically rough wave, scattering surface, antenna radiation pattern, Kirchhoff approximation, quasi-specular scattering, slope variance, height variance, significant wave height, multifrequency remote sensing, underwater acoustic wave gauge, small-scale waves, height spectrum, slope spectrum, swell.
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