Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The application feld, the construction principle, the content of data system for coal seam outburst danger continuous prediction and its integration with the subsystems of a coal mine multifunctional safety system are substantiated. Widely known models for initiating gas-dynamic phenomena in underground mines are analyzed. It is shown that to describe the process of sudden coal and gas outburst preparation the most suitable model is the one that consists of two stages: the creation of a coal block structure by means of developing the crack system (the frst stage) and squeezing the blocks out of the mouth of the future outburst cavity (the second stage). Basic factors important for reliable prediction of outburst danger are substantiated on their basis. The infuence of failing to take into account the basic factors of the outburst danger for some instrumental and geophysical methods of prediction is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the most reliable geophysical method, at present, is the spectral-acoustic one. The description of the procedure for experimental determination of the outburst danger limit value indicator for this method and for certain coal workings is introduces.
Sudden coal and gas outburst; instrumental and geophysical methods of prediction; outburst danger factors; the procedure of experimental determination of outburst danger criteria; multifunctional safety system of a coal mine
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